Shipping Software is fun
Mark Lucovsky blogs about why he left Microsoft for Google (via John Lim). He talks about how code at Microsoft has to rot in a CVS repository for years before shipping, while web based companies such...
View ArticleKnocked off the internet, a story of Windows and Macintosh
This weekend the internal modem in my Mac died. Living in a rural area, I am a dialup user. Let me say that getting unexpectedly disconnected from the internet is very traumatic. I’ve been following an...
View Articlephp testing and coverage
I ran across this O’Reily article about SpikeSource today. Very interesting. They have released a coverage reporting tool, Spike PHP Coverage, for PHP that works with XDebug coverage data. It works...
View ArticleExpert and Novice Programmers
An article on Java World, Hiring the phantom Java architect, sparked an interesting debate at the server side regarding what it means to be a developer versus an architect. I very much dislike the term...
View ArticleWhy isn’t PHP the natural successor to Java?
Loud thinking declares that Java has lost its aura of invincibility. Jason Hunter sums it up nicely: Ruby on Rails today looks poised to eat Java’s mindshare on the web tier. If not Rails, then...
View ArticleCode Coverage, Feedback and Open Source
I’ve long wondered about the quality and extent of the PHP test suite. During my posting hiatus, John Coggeshall addressed my question by posting a coverage report generated by running the test suite....
View ArticleDelicious Outage Link Dump has been down for a while. I use it for my public bookmarks, which are listed on the side of this blog. Here is a post with some recent random things that I would bookmark if I could. The...
View ArticleThe Evolution of Design Patterns
Rebecca Wirfs-Brock suggests that it may be time for the GoF Design Patterns book to be refreshed. She points out that the C++ and graphics programming examples may be less relevant to today’s C# and...
View ArticleDependency Injection in PHP
The June issue of PHP Architect is out. My column this month is on dependency injection, a topic which I’ve been warming up to lately. First there was CORBA. Then insane complexity of CORBA was...
View ArticleSoftware Development Team Diversity
Matt Mullenweg has a post about Hiring Diversity. A successful software project must fulfill many competing goals and factors and meet a wide variety of challenges. Diversity is the combined arms of...
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